我还可以无限制地使用好多快干坚固的石膏绷带。 我工作的医院是家大医院,我可以从任何科室搞到任何物品。有一些人知道我要这些东西干嘛的,他们只是笑笑,然后继续干活了,他们也许还有更重要的事忙吧?
我也能用于牵引和外固定病房用的所有设备。只要我要求,他们就会帮我装好一切,以便我用于试验和评估。我也相信如果一整套牵引床失踪的话,肯定有人会注意。 基本上,只要你说什么,我就能搞到什么。
我也能用麻醉气体,以防事情变得不可控制,而且,如果我需要我还可以使用精神病房的约束用具。 我的职业也许对很多人来说是梦想成真的希望。
另外,我的妻子, Molly.
我要谢谢她让我过着如此这种生活。当我刚恋爱和结婚时,我对石膏,矫形支架还有各种固定都不感兴趣。 倒是Molly
医生给她右手上了石膏,从手腕到肘部上。 Molly
这样,她的伤才能痊愈。她的这种感觉使得她不可能能将那支架摘下。 两个星期很快过去了。虽然大部分时间,她要将腕部支架摘下,但她一有机会就会戴上,去感受那种让她兴奋的东西。这就是为什么她会搜集固定用具的原因。
她正好也去看电影,而且不知何故我们撞在了一起。我是单身汉,总在等着碰到女孩子的机会。 我到医学院刚一年,这也许就是为什么她戴着的膝部支架惹我注意的原因。
我一点都不知道电影说了些什么。但我生动地记得电影后的事。 她向我提到她是走来的,所以我决定开车送她回家,因为我觉得戴着支架走是非常难的。 我一点也不知道她是多么地享受着。我把她送回家后来我知道她实际上是开车来地。 她邀请我进去,款待了我。
My eyes shot up at her. Her eyes were
glittering. I asked her what she meant by that. I would have thought she would
be upset, since I thought the cast would be a big hassle.
"Dan, I have a little fantasy that has always
been with me. Your job was one of the things that I initially liked about you.
You see, I simply LOVE any type of brace or cast that will restrain me in any way.
The more restrained and helpless I feel, the better it is."
I was really speechless. I was getting a
little suspicious when she always seemed to " sprain her ankle" or "twist
her wrist" or something. I was in too deep a thought to really remember
anything she said after that. I taught her the basics of crutching, sitting, walking
and everything that a person does while they wear a cast. She probably already knew
everything and was very experienced in it. By the time we were done with the lessons
it had been almost 4 hours since I had applied the cast. Finally I cracked and said:
"God Molly, you look beautiful in that
cast." I could almost feel myself enter this new world of wannabes.
In the coming weeks Molly introduced me to some
Internet sites that dealt in this type of thing. Slowly I became very, very
attracted to casts, and I began to want to wear one of my own. Of course, Molly
wearing her full-leg cast this whole time helped to push me along. Every time I saw
Molly's cast, I thought "I wish I had one of those."
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Back to Molly's cast. By the way, Molly and I
agreed that we would not have sex until we were married for a year; in case the marriage
went sour we would not have to deal with all of that extra stuff. Sure, we were
tempted a lot but we stood by our promise. Now our anniversary was one week away,
and Molly's cast wasn't scheduled to be removed for three weeks. Yikes! We both
passionately wanted to have sex on out first anniversary, but Molly was in a cast! It
would get in the way! Or would it? I began to think about this...
It was now the eve of our anniversary. Molly
was reading a book and I was pretending to read the newspaper, but I was really preparing
to ask her a very important question. After 15 minutes of panic, I gathered the guts
to do it and spoke:
"Molly, I'm sure that you know what tomorrow
is, and what will happen tomorrow night."
She grinned sneakily.
"By now I'm sure that we both know that we both
have a deep fascination for casts and stuff, and if you wanted, I could get some stuff at
work tomorrow and bring it home. I get all of next week off, so I wouldn't have to
get back to work for a while if you wanted to experiment with some casts......"
I trailed off, waiting for a response.
"Oh Dan, that sounds lovely! I can hardly
I smiled. Oh, BOY!! What would I get? How
would this work out? Jeez, I had a lot of planning to do.
Then next day seemed to go by very slowly, but as
each hour passed I managed to sneak a few more toys into my bag. I knew how the
system worked and I knew with the way the storage room was organized, you could clean the
whole room out and no one would ever notice. However, I didn't want to steal too
much stuff because in effect I was only hurting myself. If the next time some kid
got a broken leg and I needed to make a cast--only we were out of plaster bandages--I'd be
in quite a spot. By the time I left the building I had about 750 码长3英寸宽的石膏绷带,一捆棉织套筒,许多衬垫,一些填充物,一把石膏剪,长腕护具和一个颈部支架。
This might not be enough for our needs, so on the
way home I stopped by a novelty store and bought 2 pairs of padded cuffs, some spreader
bars, and a blindfold. I told the salesman that they were "joke wedding gifts
for my cousin." I bet he hears a lot of excuses.
I arrived home and carried my now-overflowing bag
inside. Molly went ecstatic over the whole thing. We tried out a few
combinations of cuffs and spreader bars for a while, and she got a kick out of putting on
the neck collar and wrist braces. These braces were longer than the average wrist
brace. These braces secured not only the wrist, but the elbow as well. They
kept the elbow at a 90 degree angle. Well, they were customizable so it could really
be any angle you wanted.
Molly got herself into quite a
predicament. First she put on the neck collar, which kept her head from moving even
the slightest bit. I then helped her into the wrist/elbow braces, and quickly
expanded the angle until both arms were almost straight. The braces effectively kept
her from moving her fingers, so she couldn't remove either of the wrist braces, and since
her arms were straight she couldn't reach the neck brace. Go ahead, you try it.
Extend both of your arms straight out and then try to touch your neck, only using your
shoulders. It's impossible. She started complaining, but I could tell that she
was enjoying it and was only a "fake" complaint. So before she knew what I
was doing, I quickly cuffed her to a support beam in the middle of our living room and
then went off to change clothes and get ready for dinner. The whole time I was
getting dressed, Molly was giggling and complaining at the same time, so after about ten
minutes I released her. She NEVER would have escaped if I hadn't have helped her.
But we didn't want to spoil the evening now, we were saving the best for after dinner.... (Continued...)